Slideshow - Colorado Trip

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

IMDB Rank 2 - Godfather

I love this movie!! I had read the novel prior to watching the movie. So it was not a great experience the first time I saw the movie. But then I saw it a couple of times more, and I could see why it is all time Number 1. Coppola has really put in a lot of effort and one can appreciate that he has tried his level best to do justice to the novel. You gotta give it to the man :-)

One scene I liked best? Al Pacino is standing outside the hospital after his father was attacked. His hands are not trembling at all when he lights the cigarette for Enzo, the baker's son in law.


Aslan said...

same here regarding hating the movie immdly after reading the book. watched it again a decade later n' enjoyed it immensely but i wouldn't go so far as to rate it no.1 when there are movies like fight club, american beauty, etc. doing the rounds! :) i've done the top 100 game too- wish you had access to my extl hdd- it has most of 'em :D

Sookie said...

Not many times novel based movies look good in movies. Actually I liked this movie after watching its sequel :-)

ankurindia said...

nice blog