Slideshow - Colorado Trip

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Now in Columbus, Indiana

My project with Chrysler finally got over. That means I am no longer in TMS application. I sure miss my time in Auburn Hills. That was my first onsite assignment. It is hard to believe that I spent almost 4 years there! I take with me all sorts of memories and a good deal of experience. The assignment ended on Aug 22nd to be precise.

My new assignment is in Columbus, Indiana. I reached here on Aug 25th. It is a nice little place. You can say that people are here because Cummins is here! Yes, Cummins is my new client. Columbus (not to be confused with Columbus, Ohio) has all the facilities and amenities. The thing is that there is no small/big city nearby. Columbus is sort of standing on its own. Because of this, the small city feel is accentuated. Anyways, I am getting used to it. I have started going to gym regularly now. I dont need to lose weight but trying to tone the body. The body is responding nicely :-)

Also playing racquet ball. It is nice game. Not as much fun as tennis, but good enough. Learning tricks of the game slowly. Good thing is that unlike tennis, we can play this game even in winters. Well, thats it for now. Rest later.