Slideshow - Colorado Trip

Sunday, March 19, 2006

Euro Trip!

I got my UK VISA last Thursday. Its a visitor visa valid for 6 months. Thats pretty cool as I plan to visit my bro in July 1st week. Just need to book the tickets now. Will be doing that today night :).. And this week would apply for my schenegan visa. I have always wanted to see Eiffel Tower in night. So I guess this is my chance! I could have never thought about all this just a few years back when I was in college. Well good for me that things are different today! And I am gonna make the most of them!!


Vithal said...

bugger!!u r goin to europe!!!cool man!! i am gonna kil you!!!

Venkateshwar Sahai said...

Let me make it man.. then u can kill me :)

Neo said...

hey, coax that fatty to get a UK visa and come over sometime in the next 2 months boss.
I will be flying to london on April 2nd mostly and will be there for couple of months!!!
try coming when i am there too!!

Prakash said...

Europe is my dream destination too... But I am always stuck up with the East :) Neways, do Enjoy !!!