Slideshow - Colorado Trip

Saturday, March 18, 2006

India minus IT

I often wonder what would we all be doing if India was not having IT industry. A little hard to imagine right?! People have discussed to death the reasons for India becoming a force in IT, so I dont need to repeat them.

I just wonder what my other job would have been, and how difficult/easy would it have been. My best guess is Control Engineer in some textile/steel industry! The 2nd best guess is that I would have started out as JE (Junior Engineer) in PSEB (Punjab State Electricity Board). Ofcourse my dad would have had asked for few favors :-)

Almost daily one of my friend would say how they hate their job!! Thats because many times we often take things for granted. We crib even when inside of us knows that at the moment thats the best place we are in. Anyway thats what I think.

A little question to close the post - What job you would have been in, if not for your current job?!


pophabhi said...

Cricket Writer? :) Hehe...I keep dreaming!!

Aslan said...

1. Educator
2. Journalist (F1/Tennis)
3. Gigolo

Anuj said...

1. Army
2. Sports
3. CIvil services
4. Education :) pretty long list right :)

Venkateshwar Sahai said...

Abhi & Kutty - it makes sense. Anuj, I asked to imagine, not dream :)

Prakash said...

1. Instrumentation / Control Engineer
2. Bank employee
3. Might have joined BJP :-)

Sookie said...

If it weren't for the lure of money, I would've been a teacher.
I am still planning to pursue my career as a teacher.