Slideshow - Colorado Trip

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

My Marriage!!

It all seems so unreal sometimes! Here I was few years back talking about what I felt about marriage. And today, it is my turn. Time sure flies fast.

Most of you already know that I would get married to Reena on Aug 9th. For those of you who don't, here are some details. I got Reena's number through my family. Yes, it is arranged marriage. I talked to her for the first time on October 17th. It seems so long ago!! We really connected well. We met a few times and we knew that we were right for each other. Our partners in crime were my brother and bhabhi. Monika, Kishore and Rishu were the ones helping Reena.

Roka ceremony was held in Cleveland on Dec 14th. I got to meet Reena's mom and brother also at that time. It was fun.

So 7 months and thousands of pics later, it is time to go back to India and lose my bachelor's degree!! I am getting really excited as the D-Day is approaching.

Over the past few months we have shared so many beautiful memories and trips. Hope that our journey together is as much fun as it has been so far.


One and Only...Poonam said...

It surely will be a pleasant and lovely journey buddy...
I wish lotz of luck to both of you...
God Bless you Both!!
I just wish so badly to attend ur wedding...

Anonymous said...

Fasten your seat belts for a fun filled journey called married life...

Wishing you all the best for future !!