Slideshow - Colorado Trip

Sunday, May 29, 2005

Do you want to be happy?

You will find this statement as theme of so many books! And it sells! They promise you moon through this statement. But if you examine it closely you will see that you are reading two opposites in a single sentence!!

Want and happiness are the keywords. If you think you want to be happy then that means :
1. You are not happy already.
2. This means you are thinking what you have already is not enough.
3. This means that you are not making any attempts to change it, else statement 1 will not hold true for you. This is because if you are making attempts you would be pleased with you, and you will be gaining something with each attempt (either success or experience).
4. To some extent you are a pessimist.
5. Then this means that whatever happens you will not be happy!
So its a catch 22 situation!!
There might be tips you can follow to be happy, but these will be temporary measures only. For selected few it may bring long lasting happiness too. So by all means buy the book, but dont get carried away with the inherently flawed statement!!

1 comment:

Vithal said...

Dude u have been